Roll Linings
Phenolic Resin used in industrially woven and flexible roll linings, with or without wire reinforcements of varying thickness and lengths is another specialty of the industrial resin and chemicals that we procure. They have a wide range of applications, like – segmented or as band brakes in elevators, cranes, winches, hoists, drop hammers, concrete mixers, heavy earth moving equipments. CASKYD caters to the necessities of roll lining makers in India and abroad. With a wide range of phenolic resin kinds to offer as assistance to brake lining & roll lining Read More...

Brake Linings
CNSL resin acts as a good binding agent for the Brake Lining mechanism as it provides the requisite characteristics of a straight phenolic along with increased flexibility, good thermal stability and higher impact resistance which results in the decrease in the co-efficient of friction. It is known to increase the frictional properties and make the brake lining abrasion resistant. The advantages of Cashew Resin compared with Synthetic Phenolic Resin is that they produce a softer material which is more efficient for cold wear, that covers temperature up to 205°C and is likely to find application in low speed automobiles. Read More...